Thursday, March 12, 2009

Mr Mom, and Boys will be boys...

It's now our 3rd day without Mommy (Heather is back in Wilmington, DE to attend a family funeral), and the kids are ruling the roost. In her sted, I'm attempting to experience all of Heather's daily life including the grumpy wakeups, finicky & slow eaters, ill-timed poopy diapers, twin anger management & mediation, endless school & dance class shuttling, bedtime routine, and the multiple middle of the night disturbances to my beauty sleep. Now, I must time to make a blog entry! Heather's return tomorrow can't come soon enough.

I must say that I have a renewed appreciation for what Heather's life is like during my 3-4 day workweeks that leave her a single parent from 6am-7:30pm. WOW - what a woman! I love you Heather!

Dad's measure of control and discipline is definitely lower than Mommy's, but the kids are starting to chip in with the housework. Seth & Sam took a turn at washing dishes tonight. I'll skip the picture of the resulting mess...

Earlier today, Sam took initiative to "fix" a TV display problem while his sisters were playing Wii. Problem solved: brother had the TV remote & turned it off. I love that he had the foresight to wear his hearing protection!

And when you're playing hard, it's important to stay hydrated. Sam knows this well & insisted on carrying his (aka Daddy's) soda with him at the park until he chugged every last drop. Extra points to those of you that can identify where we bought the soda...hint, think cheap & big.



Sarah said...

Awwwww. At our house we call the last photo "jail."

Our life is a bowl of Barry's said...

Good job blogging Mark!! Very impressive....that'll earn you some points in Heather's book :-)Glad you have 'survived' as best you can and that Heather will be home tomorrow. I've missed her too...although not as much as you....