Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Happy Birthday Honey!

I'm so thankful to have children. Were it not for them, our celebrations would be lackluster and ho-hum. Take Mark's birthday for example. It was yesterday. He told me what he wanted a couple weeks ago but had a last-minute change of heart leaving me empty-handed on his birthday. Not to worry because our three crafty girls took over. Each drew, cut, glued and wrapped cards and trinkets for Daddy. The result was a birthday fit for a king.

Catherine made this leopard ornament for Mark. I pitched in with dinner and cake. I know, it was the least I could do.
Mark, I love celebrating life with you. I know this wasn't my most creative effort but what's left of my brain cells are being transferred to our next progeny. I love you and look forward to sharing an actual birth day with you once more in two months.


aartilla the fun said...

i've always thought that mark had one of the kindest faces i've ever seen. happy birthday! those kids are so lucky to have such an attentive father (and mother, but that goes without saying, right? No? oh alright. they're lucky to have you too heather!)

Our life is a bowl of Barry's said...

Kids provide us moms with the best excuses to be lame when it's Daddy's birthday. Why would we want to steal their thunder by giving them an awesome gift? No, it should definitely be all from the kids :-)