Sunday, December 13, 2009


We're trying to get back in the habit of our weekly family adventures. This week I was inspired by both the desire to get out and the need to complete a big inquiry project with Madelyn. So, we headed to the local science museum. What gets a kid's brain working more than a ton of hands-on experiences with science, art and music?

Harrison celebrated being two-months old with some deep thoughts and hand chewing.
We thought we might never leave the train table.
Brothers co-conducting! Of course this harmony wasn't achieved until Sam agreed to a two-car train while Seth monopolized the rest.
Daddy and Chloe experiment with air and magnets.
Catherine tries out the flight simulator.
It was in this area that Mark asked me where Seth was. I didn't know. An employee heard this exchange and asked if we were looking for someone. With the number of small spaces at the museum we told him, honestly, yes. He made a sweep and we both made a sweep. Still no Seth! The nice young man told me to take everyone to the front so they could send out a page. OK, now the adrenaline started flowing and my stomach started knotting. We made it up front and halfway through my description Mark shows up with a crying Seth. Of course he was crying because he wanted to go back to playing, not because he was lost. In fact, he had no idea he was lost. We then left to regroup and have lunch.
Part II---Mark took pictures of all the kids in this cool kaleidoscope tube. Here's Madelyn multiplied:
Sam liked the reptiles.
Bubbles! This is my favorite part of the museum.

This is the picture of sensory overload!


Tomasz said...

Looks like big fun! :D

Our life is a bowl of Barry's said...

you are brave...Explora drives me crazy! Love the picture of maddie in the! nd what do you know...Mark shaved off the beard! Why for?!

Sarah said...

You have such a fun family!