Monday, May 31, 2010

Good Times-May

May sped by. School projects, performances, recital rehearsals, work travel, home maintenance and gardening have topped our list of things to do this month.

Harrison started drooling with a purpose this month. He's been gnawing on everything.
Madelyn with her cat Virginia. Yes, we still have the two cats.
We've spent a lot of time in the backyard this month between gardening projects and hole digging. The kids have enjoyed the company.
My garden assistants
Chloe has my corn-planting helper.
Harrison loves being one of the big kids.
Chloe and Harrison during excavation.
Our little contortionist. He is very close to crawling.
I love this expression. It reminds me of one of the other children but which one?
The HOLE, hole, hole. Dad's a man of many talents. The problem has been reset and the hole is mostly filled in.
Harrison is getting a little big for his baby toys. He likes to hang out the sides of his bouncy seat more than he likes the toys on it these days.
Chloe loved her face painting experience and her artist did quite a magnificent job.
When there are no toys to chew on, Harrison resorts to fingers and thumbs. Yum!
Here's hoping June brings lots of summer fun!

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