Friday, April 3, 2009

Construction crew

We (actually, Mark) have been diligently working to make our backyard an amazing play space for our five little ones. While others traveled far and wide during Spring Break, we settled in to watch our bike track be formed and poured.Really, all of this backyard work is just an excuse to get really cool trucks and construction equipment on our property so our boys can inspect them up close.
They were very attentive to the business of pouring concrete.
While the concrete set, we had 15 cubic yards of compost delivered to prepare our garden for planting and our planters for something yet to be determined.
Finally, on Sunday the track was ready for its first event. The kids love it! We love that we're one step closer to fulfilling our vision of kiddie utopia.

1 comment:

Our life is a bowl of Barry's said...

Now I have to haul bikes when we come over too?!! GREAT...JK...looks like a lot of fun.