Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I believe in fairies...

Being the mommy of three little girls means that there is a lot of talk of princesses and fairies in my house. There are dresses, necklaces and never ending 'let's pretend' games. I've been dreaming of a few fairy friends I'd like to meet this week. First, I'd like to invite the 'baseboard fairy' over for tea. I've noticed that all of the sand swirling around outside our house has become an unwelcome spring guest. There is a lovely layer of dust and fuzz on the baseboards that I'm just not excited about cleaning. After the 'baseboard fairy' works her magic, I'd like to see about wishing up the 'light fixture fairy', the 'potty fairy', the 'closet fairy', the 'laundry fairy', and the 'extra hour fairy'. Until they appear, I suppose I should strap on my wings and get to work.

1 comment:

Our life is a bowl of Barry's said...

If they ever show up, tell them you have a friend who needs them more :-)...although we don't hsve as many baseboards...yet...