Monday, May 4, 2009

Disney Vacation 2009

We got home a week ago from Disney World. I think I've finally recovered. Laundry is caught up, groceries have been procured and the floor is littered with toys again. Yes, it's good to be home!

The kids had a great time meeting all the characters and taking in as many shows and rides as we could fit in six days. We probably did a little too much. Note to self: When taking five (and in the future, six) small children to Disney World, don't stay at the park for more than four hours at a time...NO EXCEPTIONS. Mark would surely add, don't take wife while pregnant.

Madelyn did the autograph thing this visit. All the girls are so enchanted by the princesses.
Seth and Eeyore shared a moment during dinner at the Crystal Palace. The boys were not in the least bit frightened of the characters. Yeah!
Mark was invited to be a character during Belle's Storytime at the Magic Kingdom. He was the BEAST. He did a great job...more smiley than menacing. The kids got a kick out of dad being on stage, although Catherine announced later that she was 'embarrassed'. We did take a few breaks. This was the kids' favorite. Seth especially loved his 'pop' and guarded it very closely for the remainder of the day.
The tea cups were dizzying. I have a video I'll try to post later.Our official vacation family photo...
Disney is, as always, magical. The experiences they create can turn any frown upside down.


Unknown said...

I am impressed that you would not only pose in a swimsuit while pregnant, but post the picture on the world wide web.

Good for you! Seriously impressed.

(and it has been a year and almost two months since we moved here across from your old domicile. and no plans to move... yet!)

Our life is a bowl of Barry's said...

Love the placement of Madelyn....could that have been planned in that last photo? Can't wait to see the rest of them!!

Our life is a bowl of Barry's said...

But I'm actually looking forward to our playdate, so I didn't want to make it part of my 'HAVE to do list'...that would be on my 'WANT to do' list!!

Autumn said...

I want to go!!!!