Thursday, September 17, 2009

Phew! 35 weeks down, 5 to go!

I made it! I have been a little distracted the past few weeks because it was at this time in my pregnancy with our boy twins that our life spun out of control. We moved to Texas when I was 32 weeks pregnant. A week later at my first OB appointment with my new doctor I was sent to Labor & Delivery for monitoring. This turned into a full-fledged bout of preterm labor. I was having contractions every 1.5 to 3 minutes. My blood pressure spiked. There was protein in my urine. And we knew not a soul in Austin to help with our three precious girls. Fortunately, between all the meds they pumped into me, a few calls to grandparents, and some deep breaths I was able to calm down and the birth of our boys was delayed until the following week. They were born at 34 weeks, 4 days. At St. David's Hospital that meant an automatic stay in the slammer...oops, I mean NICU.

So as I've been tiptoeing closer to 34 weeks, 4 days with this pregnancy I've been growing anxious. I am convinced the preterm labor issues I had with the boys were due to stress more than anything else. Or were they? Thus, it was with a deep sigh of relief that I woke up this morning knowing that even if my baby was born today, our family wouldn't necessarily have to be punished by a stay in the NICU. So, again, I say, "PHEW!"


Our life is a bowl of Barry's said...

good'll make it farther,I know you will....2 weeks from now you'll be dancing a jig to get little guy outif he gets any bigger!

Sarah said...
