Friday, November 13, 2009

A final shout-out to my birthday girls

When you were born, you made us a family of five.
Then you became one of five.
Now you are 5!

My dear girls, this year you've really come into your own. You started the year still a little unstable and unsure from all of our moves the previous two years. You would often ask, "Where are we?" or "Is this Utah or Texas?" Our home here was unfamiliar.

You started preschool during your fourth year. This helped to ground you and gave you the opportunity to find your own friendships and ultimately, yourself. You started the year together. You always sat together. You took comfort in each other. The teacher was concerned that you were being exclusive. But as the year progressed you each ventured out on your own. You learned; you excelled; you found your own path.

Catherine, you have proven to be such a sweet girl. You are caring and eagerly lend a hand when asked. You love routine and coloring with your sisters. You couldn't wait to be a big sister again.

Chloe, you continue to excel. From talking, to learning your letters, to counting, you are a little perfectionist. You do everything over and over until you get it! You emulate your big sister which she loves and I find very sweet.

Five is looking like another amazing year. You have already learned to tie your shoes and you are starting to read. Chloe even lost a tooth. I look forward to continuing to learn with and from you. I love being your mom!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Heather, this is beautiful. Thanks for sharing!