Sunday, February 28, 2010

Good Times-February

Our little Harrison is a drooly boy. Cute though, huh?
We did a Valentine's Day craft at Michael's this month. The girls enjoyed cutting and glueing cards together for the family.
Ta-Dah! Pop-up Valentine's Day cards!
Our first five kid pillow fight. It was fun for about five minutes...then there were tears.
Harrison bear-ly fit into his 3-6 month clothes. I finally moved him up a few days after this picture.
With all the storms passing through, we've had some dramatic skies to look at.
So happy!
Madelyn is such a great big sister. Harrison was super fussy one afternoon when I had too much on my plate. She stepped right up and patiently talked to, rocked and patted him to sleep.
Madelyn likes to surf Yahoo!Kids these days. She found a recipe for chocolate-covered strawberries to make for Valentine's Day. They were surprisingly simple and super good!
We did a mini-makeover of Catherine & Chloe's room last weekend. We bunked their beds and got them a six drawer dresser. They love the new layout because it gives them more floor space to leave their stuff sprawled over.
One worn-out Wii-er
Our almost three-year-olds. I think this is the most alike they've ever looked.
Fun with Daddy. It's a good thing Mark has a long torso. He needs it to pile all the kids on.
Harrison tries on the goggles from our Lowe's Learn & Grow experience.


Unknown said...

Heather, I admire how much you get out and DO with your kids.

And the tired wii picture is hilarious. That is so my boys, too!

Our life is a bowl of Barry's said...

How stinkin' cute they all are!!! Sweet Maddy, what a great big sister she is. Love the pictures of the mountains. Awesome! And isn't everything with 5 kids fun for 5 minutes...always resulting in tears? That's how it goes with our 5! Definitely have NOT seen you enough this month...maybe next month? It starts tomorrow...