Thursday, April 15, 2010

Gardening - Round 2

Well, it officially feels like spring. The temperature has been in the 70s for a couple weeks now. The daffodils have come and faded. The tulips have tried to smile at us only to become food for the bunny families we share our land with. This is the lone survivor.
Our wisteria bush is in bloom. We've tried to kill this thing at least three times since buying the house five years ago. This year, while inspecting and photographing it, I can't remember why we found it so offensive. I think we'll enjoy it as long as it will tolerate our neglect.
And the backyard is greening up which is a relief as this is its first spring. We even planted a spring garden complete with lettuce, spinach, broccoli and snap peas.
Now if only we could find a way to make spring cleanup and weeding more palatable.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

ooh wisteria. I want it covering my driveway welcoming me home