Monday, February 9, 2009

Gender roles

It must be hard growing up with three big sisters and an ever-present Mommy. I remember debating in college whether gender roles were a social construct or biologically programmed. I'd like to think it's a balance of the two.

Our little boys love balls and trucks and are unnecessarily rough at times, but they also have a softer side. They like to play kitchen and set the table for a picnic.
And sometimes their sisters dress them up like princesses. The boys love the attention their sisters lavish on them at these times.
We don't mind because it's good for a laugh and a fun picture.


Our life is a bowl of Barry's said...

oh man, are those great bribery tools for later on down the road! The future wives will LOVE those pics! Very cute.

Sarah said...

It works the other way, too. My older boys have dressed up like princesses at their sister's request...ok, demand.