Thursday, February 5, 2009

Surprise family visit

On Sunday we got a call from Mark's dad telling us we would be contacted by Mark's dad's mother's cousin. Did you follow that? She and her husband were in town visiting their son. They came to visit us on Tuesday.

We had a nice visit and they got to see firsthand how exciting life can be with five munchkins. During their hour visit, Madelyn threw up and was moping on the couch after having two teeth extracted at the dentist the hour before; Chloe smashed her hand in the door requiring a Band-aid and healing kisses; Catherine, Seth and Sam staged a revolt demanding Goldfish crackers for snack which they proceeded to deposit all over the living room.

As I said, we had a nice visit and we are glad to know that we have in-town kin, however distant.

1 comment:

DaddyO6 said...

I looked up the official family relationships...Wes is my Second Cousin Once Removed, and Virginia is my First Cousin Twice Removed. Interesting...