Thursday, February 19, 2009

Life has a way of piling up

My father-in-law once told me that an empty desk is a sign of an empty mind. I take comfort in that on days when I feel empty-minded like two weeks ago when I went halfway to the wrong kid's school and was 10 minutes late picking up Catherine & Chloe. (Sigh) I digress.

Today I decided to tackle the piles on my desk. There's the project pile, the kid work pile, the family finances pile, the electronics pile, etc. All these piles have recently morphed into one unruly pile that was swallowing up my work space.

After the purge, I'm proud to report that the top of the desk is easy to find and the piles are once again segregated by theme. Now perhaps I'll be motivated to write about something more inspiring or at least more entertaining than cleaning my desk!


Unknown said...

I like the color of your walls! What a great space to have.

And, I, too, must have a full mind because the piles are a'growin' every where I look!

Our life is a bowl of Barry's said...

next house!