Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Crafty Kid Tuesday

We've been trying something new around here. I've been struggling for a while with how to get my kids to feel more motivated to tidy up after themselves without a battle or nuclear explosion from me. As my belly expands, it becomes harder to ignore the plain truth that I just can't do it all. So, last week after a near sleepless night I came up with a new plan. We have a master schedule for the summer (that includes time to clean-up) and each girl has set responsibilities. The rewards are a weekly family game night on Friday and Tuesday crafts with mom. The girls hold us accountable for the rewards which has helped us hold them accountable for the chores.

Yesterday was our first craft day. We broke out the Air Dry Clay Aunt Kelly and Uncle Tim sent for Christmas. Thanks guys! The girls liked the mixing and kneading. They worked really hard on their masks, pots and other creations.As soon as Sam smelled the earthy goodness of the clay he said, "poop!" and ran to get a diaper. When he and Seth realized that clay is similar to Playdoh, they set to pounding it.
Mommy got to play too! All kids need modeling, right?
The next step is painting. I'd love to wait until next Tuesday but I have a feeling I'll be talked into it later today or if I'm really lucky tomorrow when Daddy is home.

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