Friday, August 28, 2009

Mess makers

Our sons have turned into cyclones, literally. They storm around the house spinning toys, clothes and debris all over the floor. I documented one of their more mild paths of destruction this week.

It started in their bedroom. Their pjs are on the floor and that cord is coming from a portable heater in their closet that hasn't been touched since April.
As I tracked them across the house, I came across this characteristic mess. It's the kind that's not that big but deadly if you come across it while carrying a laundry basket or a crying child.
Only ten feet away, another pile. Mind you, all these piles were left in a half-hour window.
I caught the girls up to their own mess making in the craft room. The nice thing about the girls is that they can clean up after themselves, by themselves.
Finally, I stumbled upon the culprits. They were all smiles. Full of mischief but ever so cute... what's a mom to do!


Unknown said...

It's boys, I'm telling you. The older my children get, the more I believe in nature vs nurture. Boys!!

They are getting so handsome, though. You sure make good lookin' kids!

Our life is a bowl of Barry's said...

Oh, good luck to you...they are going to have SO MANY THINGS to teach their little condolences.....