Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Happy Birthday Baby Man!

One year ago, we welcomed our sixth child into our family.

Yesterday, he welcomed me to the daily grind. I've been with him everyday of his time on Earth but I still marvel at how we went from our 'little lump' to our 'little lightening' boy.
Harrison is such a joy. He is a busy boy, always exploring and chasing after his siblings. He thinks he's 3 (along with his brothers) and gets so frustrated when his body or his mommy hold him back from an adventure.

And sometimes he sleeps and I swoon. Look at his little cleft chin. We have no idea where that comes from but it is adorable.The shot of the day (taken at the park during Catherine's soccer practice).
Opening presents with older siblings cheering him on.Cake time. Harrison was quite tired by this time.
Harrison didn't blow out his candle nor did he touch the flame, rather he grabbed the candle and it went out in his hand. He didn't even flinch though.Harrison Theodore, you are one-of-a-kind. You keep me on my toes. You make me smile! I feel so blessed to be your mommy.

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