Friday, October 15, 2010

Kitchen Remodeling -- And the wall is outta here!

Our world was expanded yesterday! It was the day we have thought about, dreamed of, and planned since April 2005. We took out the wall between the kitchen and dining room. Why didn't we do that sooner? I mean, WOW, what a change! Now we can dine together and not have to drag chairs over from the game table and no one's knees are mashed into a cabinet or wedged under a table support. We even have elbow room and room to grow!

The boys were an attentive audience for wall demo. I just hope they don't try some demo of their own as they like to copycat Daddy.
The girls were very surprised by the change.

We're done with demo for a few weeks. Today, we finalized our granite selection and tomorrow we finalize our cabinet order. So, it's hurry up and wait around here. Our next project will be the new pantry in two weeks.


Our life is a bowl of Barry's said...

looks great!! I bet it feels so very roomy now....

kdhersey said...

Wow..what a difference!!
Enjoy the remodel :-) k&boys