Monday, June 29, 2009

Happy Birthday Sweet Madelyn

"Making the decision to have a child--it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." -Elizabeth Stone
Dear Madelyn,

Seven years ago I had the most amazing and empowering experience of my life. I gave birth to you. In that moment that I first held you, I realized how overpowering the love for a child is. Oh, those sweet early days and months when every little thing was new and magical...your first smile, your first laugh, the first time I put tights on you. Joy was redefined for your dad and I.

As time has marched by, you have grown. You have gone through so many phases I can't even begin to count or recall them all. This past year leading up to your seventh birthday, you have yet again shown us your resilience, your kind heart, and your commitment to learning and our family.

We moved for the third time in two years last September. For your Dad & I, it was a homecoming. But for you, the memories had faded. You remembered funny things like how many speed bumps there are on the street two north from us. You remembered your playgroup friends and our house. Everything else seemed new. What I'll remember is that you were happy because you knew Mom & Dad were happy.

Along those same lines, you started first grade three times. You were definite that you wanted to start school in Utah even though we explained it would only be for 9 days. Then when I switched schools on you after only four days in NM, you accepted it. You didn't complain or question. And you thrived! You have become such a leader this year. Your classmates love and respect you. You treat everyone in your school community with such compassion and kindness. I'm very proud that you make such good choices when out in the world on your own.

At home, your siblings idolize you. They always copy your pictures, your writing, your behavior. For the most part, you are patient and helpful. You surely know how to push buttons on your sisters and how to debate endlessly with me and your Dad when you don't see things our way. Madelyn, we are impressed by your ability to articulate your feelings and your growing sense of a world bigger than yourself.

Happy Birthday sweet girl! We look forward to the new world leading up to eight.


1 comment:

Our life is a bowl of Barry's said...

Happy Birthday!! Hope she had a fun party. Love that first picture. See you guys when we get home