Monday, June 15, 2009

Quack, quack

While the girls are off enjoying music classes every Saturday this summer with one parent, the boys are having their own adventures at the whim of the other parent. This weekend it was my turn to engage our little explorers.

We headed off to the 'duck pond' on UNM's campus. When I was getting my Master's degree, I would often pass the 'duck pond' on my way to my car or to the library but never really stopped to enjoy it. All I knew was that there were ducks, trees and some grass.Ducks, indeed. And huge fish and turtles and even dogs on the banks. A kind passerby gave the boys each a tortilla to feed the flock. What more could a little boy ask for!

1 comment:

Our life is a bowl of Barry's said...

Sam looks EXACTLY like Mark in that picture...eyes and all! The only reason I paid much attention to the duck pond back in the college days was to decide if we were going to take the wedding party their for pictures after the wedding...we didn't....